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Agent index immediately understood the requirements of my agent for my loft sale. I was connected with the right team and my loft was sold in less than two months after two previous failed attempts. Bravo!

-Marc, NoHo Artist Penthouse


My agent has not only been rigorous and helpful, but also very friendly an kind. We found a buyer after two months of marketing.

-Lorenza, Upper East Side 2 Bedroom


The process from interviewing the recommended agents to signed contract was seamless. Thank you Agent Index!

-Sam, Upper East Four Bedroom Duplex


I am thoroughly impressed by the Agent Index. I listed my property with a friend that was not able to sell my home for 6 months. I tried the Agent Index and they set me up with an agent that’s very familiar with the neighborhood. Within 5 weeks, I had an offer and signed contract!

-Alex, Williamsburg Two Bedroom Loft

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